Intro fast D - W7X, optimised for neoclassics, long pulse --> ECRH D - Standard: Flat profiles, clamped Ti, low+flat impuritry profiles D --> ITG turbulence in ion+electron heat transport, impurity transport. D Main ion/electron particle transport: Clearly requires pinch. Some turbulence models show a pinch, but no quantitive match with source profile. D - Contrast: Various scenarios with density gradients. (manily Ti vs ne plot) D Pellets: Clear reduction of ion heat transport to neoclassical (but not electrons). D Same with TESPEL, boron powder and spontaneously in some low power shots. ? (Ask Golo: Now hard evidence for same in high ne?) D - NBI: Some hint at higher Ti with a little ECRH, but needed to look more closely at transport D - Couldn't do e/i separation, have to look at chi_eff. D - Yes, x4 lower chi_eff. With adding ECRH can take advantage. ζχ - As expected, hold so long as ne gradient. D - Why ne gradient? Just fuelling? D - No, fuelling isn't enough to explain. Dynamic changes. D - Reduced flux kicks in at some timepoint. D - 2018 data: Use dynamics to see if we can see v/D trends - yes, distinct reduction in v,D at some time. Seems to be consistent with some a/Ln. D - No predictions for this yet! (Spanish work doesn't cover these gradient ranges) D - Er changes - nothing clear. Is always ion-root. Some indication of strong changes in v// in all 'high performance' scenarios - being investigated with CXRS. D - Carefully scanned initial density. Can well reproduce on-set times for whatever machine condition. - 2023: Tried to exploit to get higher Ti. - Introduce more ECRH. D - chi_effs look roughly the same story. Now with clear spontaneous back transistion! - definitely an internal change of heat transport. - In some cases indication of threshold behaviour on particle transport too. - Clearest in impurities (see Thilo). D - Too litte ECRH - density continues rising. Low P/n. Impurity accumulation. D - Too much ECRH - density collapses --> back transition. - Later reintroduction has less effect. (More power is still ok) - Configuration effects unclear - nothing much between EJM and KKM. Q ~ ne. dT Q = chi ne dT chi_gb = rho^2 c / a rho = ion gyro tadius c = ion sound speed a = minor radius chi_gb = sqrt(m/q) T^(3/2) / a / B^2 chi ~ chi_gb chi = (chi/chi_gb) * chi_gb